Aries Man Horoscope For July 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how July is going to treat your Aries man? Check out the July horoscope predictions for an Aries man...

Welcome sweethearts to the horoscope reading for your Aries man for July. Can you believe it? We have passed the solstice, we’re into July, and 2024 is simply motoring along.

However, the flavor of this month is very different. So far in the year, we’ve had quite a lot to process in terms of Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, and also Neptune, but this month, it’s Pluto that is triggered, and several times, as Mercury, Venus, and the Sun enter Leo.

The energies are a lot more intense,  feelings are stirred at a deep level and there’s a great opportunity for transformation, but sometimes the more thorny issues in relationships simmer below the surface.

Remember, with Pluto, all is not always what it seems. Sometimes what is essential is invisible, and you have to be intrepid, observant, and use your perceptive power to understand what’s really going on in your relationship.

So, this is a month to be savvy, to also be a little bit self-protective and wise. So, let’s have a look in detail and try to understand how you should play the game with your Aries man.

Here’s what the stars have in store for an Aries Man this July…

Mercury Enters Leo – July 3rd

Mercury entering Leo should be a fairly outgoing, fun, and playful aspect when it comes to Aries man, as Leo represents his house of creativity. So, what’s important? It’s all about sparking the youthful spirit, and that can be done by engaging in activities that are lively and get the adrenaline flowing.

So, it’s a great month for doing sporting activities together, socializing with mutual friends, or having date nights. However remember, as it enters Leo, it is opposite Pluto, so there’s a certain level of seriousness, and it’s important to handle your Aries guy with care. His more jealous nature is aroused; he may kind of want to own you or dominate your time. So, it’s important to stroke his ego, lay off the criticism, and be a little bit careful with humor. 

It’s a great time for spending more quality time together and also for discussing any issues in your relationship that have recently been causing problems. So, get everything difficult out of the way, and then you will be able to enjoy the more playful aspects of the Leo Mercury as you go on into July.

New Moon in Cancer – 5th July

The New Moon is sextile Mars and trine Saturn and this is very beneficial because it brings a lot of stability to the Aries man. Now, the New Moon in Cancer is all about family; it’s also about the foundational aspects of your relationship. So, what this signifies is insurance policies for the relationship.

Now, I don’t mean you have to ring an insurance broker. I think that you have to focus on what is most important in your relationship, and in that regard, a certain amount of focus has to be made on issues to do with the home, dealing with family matters, or his parents and your parents. 

If you’re dating an Aries man, it is vital to understand what really makes him tick, and it’s important that you get on well with his family and understand his family values.

This is also a time when you and the Aries man talk seriously about any changes you need to make to your home ie if you want to move or how to handle more delicate family matters.

This is a time to pay attention to your private life, so it’s not just about having fun and doing things that give immediate gratification. It’s about thinking long-term and making sure that you see problems coming down the road.

Venus enters Leo – 12th of July

This is a great placement for those of you who are married. It’s an opportunity to improve sex life and intimacy, to have date nights, but also to inject more meaning into life. It’s also important to have meaningful interactions.

So, this is not just about hanging out with friends, having a laugh, and having a good time, it’s about enjoying yourself but also doing so in a way that brings you closer together and gives a lot of substance to the relationship. 

In terms of brand-new romance, if you’ve just got into a romance with an Aries man, he is quite possessive at the moment. He wants your full attention, he wants all of you, and he wants your enthusiasm. So, you have to show heavy levels of engagement in the relationship.

If you are just after friends with benefits, a bit of fun, and you don’t want anything serious, you’re probably going to be disappointed because he wants to get serious really quickly and he wants to see that you are putting effort into the relationship.

Mars enters Gemini and the Sun enters Leo – 21st July

Well, this is an important day with two planets changing signs, and his ruler Mars entering into Gemini. Now, this is when the fun really starts. It’s a time when he begins to check out from the work sphere, his creativity is enhanced, and his desire for love and romance is definitely supercharged.

What does this mean? It’s great for emerging relationships because it favors all sorts of enjoyable activities between you, with friends, or going to group activities and festivals or concerts.

This is a great time for taking trips, following your favorite sports teams, or even activities like camping. A very outdoorsy mood prevailed, and this is certainly a time when, as a couple, you should be putting work on the back burner and enjoying yourselves.

He’ll be more versatile during this phase; some of the intensity is evaporating, but he can be at his most impulsive. So, get ready for doing things on the spur of the moment.

Mercury enters Virgo – 26th of July

Now, this is the time when he can be quite critical, and he’s got an eye for detail. This is certainly a good time for planning any of those family activities, changes to your home, or a home move.

So, even though this is generally a period where you guys are kicking back and doing fun activities, it’s also a good time for planning because remember, this month does have a serious side in terms of tackling long-term issues and family problems.

You can definitely get your heads together and organize some of those aspects right now. This is a good time for workplace romances to progress.

Themes for an Aries Man this July 2024

Now, the important theme right now is to be serious if you want your relationship with an Aries man to work, but also be serious about having a good time. This is a time for all those activities that create joy in your life, whether they be doing it as a family, with your children, or just between you two.

It’s important to get the adrenaline going. It’s a great time to be outdoors and socialize, however, it’s also important to pay attention to key issues facing your life, your home life, your family, and any threats to your future and your security because there is a time for seriousness and some strong focus on determination in discussing and resolving long-term issues. Even if you don’t resolve them, at least make sure the conversation is ongoing.

Magic Motto – “We are a couple for all seasons, rain or shine, we thrive through our strength.”

Magic Text – “I love the way we navigate our lives with sensitivity to our unique and delicate love flavor.”


The moon waxes from the 5th to the 21st of July and this is the best time to be getting on the starting blocks, creating a bit of momentum for projects, and doing things for the first time.

The period after the 21st is a time for reflection, consolidation, and understanding rather than piling on the pressure and trying to get his finger into any more pies.

This is an excellent time for going to trade fairs or conferences and meeting up with his fellow peers and professionals. This is a great time for you guys making new friends and so it favors all sorts of new activities that will give him a zest for life.

Also, it is an ideal time of the year for being hopeful and optimistic, and for picking up on those plans that he had forgotten or put on the back burner, but which make a big difference to his life.

It’s very important to encourage him to pursue his hopes and dreams, so this may be a good time for a little life audit to ensure that you guys are living life to the fullest.


Don’t make excuses, it’s vital to accept responsibility, it takes two to tango, so don’t play the blame game. If you accept your mistakes, it always makes it more likely that an Aries man will step up to the plate and accept his.

So you and Aries man should take responsibility for the situation, realize it’s a result of free will and your own choices, but then, don’t keep looking back, make better choices and the outcome will be better next time.

July 2024 Horoscope for an Aries Man

Week 1: Family Values 

Week one is the week of the New Moon, but there are numerous aspects affecting Aries Man, particularly Saturn and also to Pluto, and that’s why there is a necessity for coolness and wisdom.

This is definitely not a week for taking risks or for being reckless financially. It’s important to understand each other emotionally, to build together, and to work on the relationship by talking about important issues as well as needs and priorities.

This is a time to do anything you feel needs to be done to stabilize the relationship. For different people, it’s different things ie it could be talking about finances, dealing with family issues, or having better conversations.

New relationships starting now should be based on strong family values and shared heritage. If you’re starting a new relationship with an Aries man right now and you have a similar family background, that’s an awesome start.

Week 2: Getting on a wavelength 

Now, week two is also about emotional understanding and the ability that you both have to be honest with each other. Work on developing trust, and trust should come from a place where there is a deep connection and almost a psychic understanding.

During this week, those couples who are very perceptive and can read between the lines and almost guess each other’s emotions do very well. In relationships where you are chalk and cheese and there needs to be a lot of discussion for you guys to get your heads around each other’s issues, that’s going to take a lot more time and an awful lot more patience.

This is certainly a good week for doing brand-new activities together, making new friends, and traveling to events, be they sporting or cultural.

Week 3: 80-year opportunity 

This is a very significant week because Mars is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and that will be the last time this happens for a number of years. I don’t think it’s going to happen for another 80 years, so this is really significant, and it marks a very important landmark financially.

So, money matters, new business ideas, and plans for your financial future are a big part of this week. This is also a time when brand-new relationships that come about in an unexpected way and in unexpected circumstances can revolutionize his life.

This is definitely one of those pivotal moments for Aries when he can change habits of a lifetime and develop brand-new ideas and perspectives. So, it’s important not to underestimate this week.

Sometimes the effects are subtle, but they are also very important and can represent a long-term shift in his values and priorities that will end up impacting the relationship. If you’ve just entered a relationship with an Aries man well, you could be the catalyst for a major change in his life.

Week 4: Full On

Now, the sun has officially entered Leo. It’s opposed to Pluto, and the sun is also sextile Mars during this week, making this an extremely energetic week, but he can also be very demanding.

So, this is definitely one of those times where you have to focus on the relationship, on keeping him happy and keeping him busy. The devil makes work for idle hands, so an Aries man who does not have a strong focus can be a bit of a handful, perhaps a little bit irritable, angry, and contentious. Some aspects of his personality can be a little bit hard to handle right now because he’s very uncompromising.

It’s a very good time to get things done, and if you can initiate some exciting dates, there’s every reason that passion can develop. This is an awesome time to begin a relationship with an Aries man but don’t be put off if he’s a bit full-on because he can be a little bit bossy right now.


Well, I think this is going to be an excellent month for all relationships with an Aries man. A huge amount of progress can be made, there can be an increase in understanding, passion can be improved, and the strong focus on deeper levels of understanding in the relationship can mean that right now you come closer together in a way that is normally not achievable.

This is also a time when there can be subtle yet fundamental shifts that will alter the course of his life going forward. You might be the catalyst for this, or it might lead to a welcome change if you are already married but hoping for the tide to turn and your relationship to take on a new flavor.

Make your Aries man OBSESSED over you…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Aries man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

You see, when you understand the unmet emotional needs of an Aries man…

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Aries man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll understand his deepest desires

And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Aries man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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