5 Telltale Signs A Shy Aries Guy Secretly Likes You

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
They are determined, often stubborn and willing to fight for their dreams. But what can you really do when you meet good, but shy Aries man?

Does he like me? Why hasn’t he made any moves yet? What is he thinking? These are some of the things that might be running through your mind when you’re trying to figure out whether or not a shy Aries man likes you more than a friend.

Aries guys are known as “real men” in general. They are determined, often stubborn, and willing to fight for their dreams. But what can you really do when you meet a good but shy Aries man?

Figuring out whether or not a shy Aries man actually has feelings for you can be tricky. There may be subtle signs that indicate a shy Aries guy likes you, which you might completely miss if you don’t know what to look out for.

Let’s take a look at some of the telltale signs a shy Aries guy likes you and what you can do to help him feel comfortable and confident around you.

Are Aries Men Shy When They Like Someone?

Ruled by Mars—a planet associated with passion, energy, and action—Aries men are fiery individuals who are usually not shy. They are assertive, confident, and real firecrackers.

But naturally, there are those who can be a bit shy, but they are not the majority. Some Aries men may be shy in specific situations or even when they meet new people.

Most Aries men will be shy about flirting or seeking attention. Even if they aren’t always attention-seeking, they love it when others notice them.

If an Aries man is around someone he likes, he may exhibit shyness, but even then won’t be timid. Aries may seem shy at first, but once they open up, they overcome their shyness in order to get to know someone better.

You may also want to readIs Your Aries Man Hiding His Feelings? Here’s Why

5 Telltale Signs A Shy Aries Guy Secretly Likes You

1. He Gets Nervous When He Is Around You

Shy or not, an Aries man will get nervous around women he has a crush on. You might notice that he stammers when he speaks, blushes more than usual, doesn’t make complete sense when he speaks, or is a little sweaty when he’s around you.

These are all signs an Aries man is nervous and, more than likely, likes you more than a friend.

Aries men are not capable of lying or playing games, and they are unable to hold any grief, anger, or love feelings inside for too long. This is why they are easy to read and even easier to handle. You will know right from the start from his body language whether he likes you or not.

2. He Does Whatever He Can To Please You

If an Aries man gives you his affection and attention freely, even when shy, this is a good indicator that you have a secret admirer! He will gladly initiate conversation with you, and shower you with kindness. In other words, he will be romancing you completely. He will tend to have dreams about romantic love. 

In any case, what an Aries is looking for, is a “real” feminine woman by his side, because his masculine energy will be heightened most of the time. He may not show it first, he aims to win you over, but during the process, he does not want you to be aware of it.

Remember, he is secretive and shy, but he will fight for you. Once he reaches the level of comfort, he will do what he intended to do in the first place!

3. He Lets You In On His Secrets

An Aries man tends to find it difficult to let others in, so if he’s opening up to you and revealing more about himself, it’s a sign that he trusts you and probably has feelings for you. Vulnerability is one of the signs that a shy Aries guy likes you.

If he acts in a vulnerable way, then this is a surefire sign that he is into you. Don’t laugh at him; this is a big no-no. Try instead to be supportive, and this will give him the green light to start chasing you at last.

It depends on his level of comfort, his maturity, and whatever baggage he may have from the past to determine how ready an Aries man is to commit. He’ll let you know if he isn’t ready.

So if he lets you know and you keep trying to push him, he’ll start pulling back or acting out toward you. So even though you may think you need to have him commit quickly, you may want to hold off a bit.

4. He Creates Opportunities To Be Close To You

Aries guys belong to the category of simple men. He is born as a soldier, and his needs are very straightforward. However, his heart is sensitive, and his dreams are noble. If you treat him with kindness, he will automatically like you and even start to love you very quickly.

If your Aries man is silent and shy and nothing unpleasant has happened recently in his life, then he surely has some fragile feelings about you, and you should try to show patience when you are around him.

Aries guys can’t hold their grudges for too long, and if something is wrong, they will show it very soon. But if he likes you, he won’t think about it for ages. He will simply try to be somewhere close, and he will start a somewhat confusing conversation with you.

5. Pay Attention To His Body Language

If you’re curious as to whether or not your Aries man likes you or has a crush on you, pay attention to his body language. These are some of the telltale signs that a shy Aries guy likes you more than a friend:

  • He fidgets a lot when he’s around you
  • He stares at you you
  • The way he hugs you tells you everything
  • When he’s around you, he smiles a lot

Aries men have one of the most specific love languages of all zodiac signs. I covered his entire Astrology love profile in my Aries Man Love Language guide. I suggest you get your copy if you really want to master his love language and finally connect with him in the right way.

Here are more signs that reveal if an Aries man likes you.

How To Help An Aries Man To Open Up And Make The First Move

A quiet Aries man doesn’t open up easily. It takes a lot of time and patience to get an Aries man to open up, especially if he is shy and likes you. It all depends on his level of comfort and trust in you.

Listen to what he has to say, and show him compassion. He will appreciate your patience hugely, and you’ll see him slowly start warming up.

Be open and blunt about your feelings for him. Aries really needs things laid out for him. He assumes that others are as to the point as he is, so beating around the bush isn’t a great tactic with the Aries.

Basically, if you’re wondering something, ask him. He will appreciate you showing him what it is that you’re looking for. Eventually, he’ll know enough to tell you on his own what you’re looking for—to see him open up about his feelings for you.

If you can’t figure out if he’s shy or just not interested, check my recent blog post on clear signs an Aries man is not interested anymore.

How To Get A Shy Aries Man To Chase You

It is not a bad thing, though, if a woman initiates contact, because an Aries man loves intelligent, strong, and talented women who aren’t afraid to take the room by storm. He wants a woman to let herself shine.

So if you want to take the initiative to talk to the Aries man who’s been eyeballing you all night, it would probably be appreciated. He is typically really good-looking and has his own allure.

Be fun-loving and spontaneous. Shower him with confidence or invite him on an outdoor adventure. An introverted Aries man will appreciate your straightforward approach and will do all the rest to win your heart.

Read nextAries Man Playing Mind Games — Does It Mean He Is Testing Me?

If You Listen To Dating Coaches, You Can Lose Your Aries Man Forever…

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of my clients send me advice they got from dating coaches. They wanted to know if it would work with their Aries man.

And I literally wanted to scream with frustration.


Because most dating advice definitely will NOT work if you use it with Aries. You see, Aries men are VERY different from men of other signs.

And if you use standard dating advice with Aries, it can backfire. He might disappear forever and you’ll never hear from him again.

I don’t want that to happen to you. Especially when it is SO easy to draw him to you and get him to connect deeply with your heart.

You just need to know the specific phrases to tell him…

So he’ll NEVER want to lose you. He’ll be wrapped around your finger… And it won’t take him long to put a ring on that finger either.

These phrases are the EXACT thing you need to turn everything around with him.

So… for heaven’s sake… DON’T listen to normal dating coaches! They give out the same advice for ALL men… which is absolutely insane. Because your wonderful Aries is NOT like other men… at ALL.

So go here now to find out the specific things your Aries man needs to hear to melt his heart.

xoxo, Anna

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

26 thoughts on “5 Telltale Signs A Shy Aries Guy Secretly Likes You

  1. I’m obsessed with an aries man. But I can’t figure out if he’s shy or just not interested. His birthday is April 4 and mine is September 17

    1. Hi Tacey! Thank you for writing in about your confusing Aries man situation. Aries men are typically straight forward but if he’s shy it could be due to his moon or rising sign being a sign that is more reserved. My suggestion to you is to go ahead and flirt with him. Let him know that you’d be interested in getting to know him better if he’d be up for it. If he’s interested, he will certainly take you up on it. Invite him out for coffee or a drink. If he digs you, he’ll take the bait. If he isn’t, he’ll either say he has a girlfriend or come up with some other excuse as to why he cannot go. You should learn more about what the Aries man is like by taking a look at my book “Aries Man Secrets” at http://www.ariesmansecrets.com

  2. Now I’m kinda lost.
    My Aries man is born on 21 March.
    His mars on Taurus and Venus in Aquarius. He’s also INFP. I’m a Leo woman. Actually he so calm for an Aries and he’s not impulsive at all. I feel I’m a typical a firey sign comparing to him. Even I was doubting what should I read to get him right. I mean yeah I understand him very well without reading anything many times, but when I did I feel he’s kinda not the typical Aries at all. Okay and when it comes to sexual part (we haven’t did it yet). what should I read? Aries? Or his mars in Taurus? I’m a bit confused. Our relationship is 5 months.

    Thank you Anna

    1. Hi Sanchez!

      Your Aries guy may be more chill based on what his Moon or Rising signs are. Mars is just who he is as a man in relationships which Taurus would make him more mellow or hard to upset. Venus is what type of woman he’s likely to look for which can either be Aquarius, another air sign, or someone who is similar to the Aquarius woman. You could even have Aquarius as your moon, rising sign, or Venus which would make you more his type. There are lots of variables here sweetheart. You should check into his Moon and Rising signs though to get more clarity.

  3. Hi Anna .My aries man seems to be into me. He talks to me in a very confident way but I can understand that he wants more to do both physically and mentally. His birth date is 27 March and mine 25 November

    1. Hi Fariha!

      To get clarity on what your Aries man wants, you should just be very open and honest with him. Tell him how you feel about him. As a Sagittarius woman, you know it’s important to tell the truth and be forward with what you want. If you don’t communicate with him then you’ll be left wondering what he wants and if it’s what you want. Don’t do that to yourself. Open up to him and learn what is possible between you two.

      1. Hello
        I am a Pisces, moon in Virgo, and venus in Aries. I am currently dating an Aries with Scorpio moon and venus in Aries.

        We are emotionally different at times but we compromise. He also contacts me all the time and that’s what I love about him. But, sometimes he is not good at remembering dates and also, when I tell him sweet words he smiles sweetly only.

        1. Hi Karlen!

          It sounds like you’ve got a good match with your Aries guy. He may not be good at remembering dates but as long as he’s being good to you and treating you well then keep it going for as long as you can. That’s important! I wish you all the very best!

  4. Hey I know an Aries guy who is a moon in aquarius and venus in aquarius who is into me but never makes the first move. I’m not sure if aquarius moon makes him shy.

    1. Hi Lena!

      Aquarius moon shouldn’t make him shy at all. That would make him more outgoing and fun to be around. Perhaps he’s not sure if you really dig him and is waiting on a sign from you. Try letting him know that you like him and then maybe he’ll take the plunge in asking you out!

    2. I am with an Aries guy April 18.. I am older than him 20 years of gap…?he is he always tells me he wants me to be his wife and even planning to our future.. but sometimes I’m confuse coz I’m afraid that one day he’ll realized he wants to be with younger woman., but he keeps on telling me, he cannot do that and he loves me so much… he even introduced me to his whole family.. and as of now I’m too close to his family.,and he admitted than he is already committed to me,.. I’m afraid that I will lose him.. what should I do to make him stay in love?

      1. Hi Catherine!

        If he’s doing all the right things then you need to work on your own insecurities. If he’s acting like he loves you and tells you that he does then that’s all you need to focus on. Keep going out on dates that are exciting and romantic. He’ll appreciate that. Keep things fresh and new and I have no doubt it will last. If you don’t work on your fears then you may end up manifesting an ending so please be careful.

  5. Hi Anna!
    I’m a Sag female (12/06) and I’ve been afraid of commitment most of my life. Now pushing 40!! I’ve made a New Years resolution to drop the act and settle for good. About a month ago I met an Aries guy 5 years younger. Extremely sexy, my initial thought was that he was not marriage material and didn’t even give it a 2nd thought. I’ve been treating him like a boytoy, and yet he’s not giving up on me. I’ve had boytoys before and he seems to fit my usual use-and-ghost characteristics. He thinks we have some potential, and I’m wondering if he would ever be able to get past my poor behavior and mistreatments? Btw… I tried to scare him away by telling him that he was nothing but a f**-boy to me, ghosted him a few times day after sex (x3), and yet he managed to get a hold of me by other routes. Should I spend the last of my 30’s “trying” it out with this guy, is it worth it? Oh and also he can’t give me a straight answer as to what he really wants with me, he can’t say if he wants a fling or something serious… his answer is always “I want you, I don’t want to lose you” … ?… I don’t know if I should let my passion and emotions flow or keep this bad-girl guard up??

    1. Hi CentauroGirl!

      The only way you’re going to know if he’s got more potential than a fun boy, you’ll have to give it some time to see where it develops. If he truly has feeling for you, he’s going to fight for you and chase you. Unless you have something else important going on why not give him a chance? 5 years younger is nothing honestly. He could actually end up being someone very special to you. Give yourself a reasonable time limit on how long you will wait for him to figure out if he ant to be serious or if he wants just a fling. If he says he doesn’t want to lose you then it sounds like he’s trying to decide if he wants to be more serious. When that time frame is up, ask him again then move on if he doesn’t give you the answer you’re looking for. If he does give you a good answer then there you will have it!

  6. Gemini here and i’ve got an aries man. he is very different from the stereotypical aries. he likes to be touched everywhere and he demands attention everytime. his venus is in pisces while mine is in gemini, this bothers me.

    1. Hi Lei!

      Well if his Venus is Pisces, that means that a water sign is best for him typically. Either a Pisces woman or a woman with prominent Pisces influence such as moon or rising sign. If not a Pisces then another water sign such as Cancer or Scorpio. He’s looking for a very sensitive and emotionally equipped woman. As a Gemini, you probably don’t have those aspects very strongly which would be why it bothers you. Your Venus in Gemini makes you a bit more detached as a lover. You don’t like to be touchy feely and aren’t someone who wants a needy partner. Venus is the woman so for him, it’s who he needs and for you, it’s who you are. See what I mean? You need to find out what your Mars is as that will tell you the type of man you need. You two have to look for a common ground or you may find yourself uncomfortable and will move on.

  7. Hi Anna,

    I’m an Aries man, moon Sagi, ascending Gemini, venus Pisces. Friends describe me as sociable and flirtatious. Not sure what’s considered flirting but I’ll be in the trying to “attract/get you” mode for the excitement. Can’t help it.

    Until I met my Taurus fiancee, venus in Taurus. She has all those you have mentioned. Literally melted in her eyes, for the first time and always. Brought all the shy characteristics out of me though my 7th house is in Capricorn. Magical indeed.

    1. Hi Capt. Ted!

      Yes, it sounds like you are indeed a flirt. It’s part of your nature and what Sagittarius does without even really giving it too much thought. It comes naturally and is why so many people love Sagittarius. With you being Aries with Sag moon then yes, it’s influencing you in a positive way as long as you don’t hurt someone who is serious about you. Oh wonderful! It sounds like you’ve found a near perfect match in your Taurus lady. That’s fantastic! I wish you all the very best. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Hi Anna, my name is sayri and I am a Scorpio born on nov 10th with a Pisces moon and Gemini ascendent . My Aries man is born on April 4th with a pisces moon and cancer ascendant . We aren’t together but I am certain that he likes me but I don’t really know. I catch him staring at the corner of my eye and everytime I look at him he laughs and smiles. I want to get close to him but he usually just stares from afar without talking to me and disappears. I feel like he does this to cope with his emotions but I’m still quite uncertain. He hasn’t opened up to me about anything either. Please help me.

    1. Hi Sayri!

      If you don’t know for sure whether or not he likes you then take the first step and find out. Talk to him and ask him to have a cup of coffee with you. Be brave and bold. It’s a way to break the ice. If he does like you, you’ll know it because he’ll not only agree for coffee but he’ll probably then plan the next get together after that. Take a chance! If you want to know more about the Aries mind, check out my book Aries Man Secrets.

  9. Hi Anna,

    My crush is Aries. He likes to joke about marriage when we with others off mate during discussion/meeting. But he never initiates any personal conversation / move with me. It just Aries habit to joke around is it?

    1. Hi Mya!

      Aries men sometimes are pretty quiet. They can be shy, yes. That being said, the best way is to help him get started on conversation by you initiating. It’s not a bad thing for you to initiate. With time, he’ll get comfortable enough to do it himself. Aries men are kind of strange because they can talk for hours with friends or around friend but then alone with their significant other, they would rather cuddle or do something nice to show you they care without talking too much. They can joke around though as well. I just don’t see why he’d joke about marriage though because that’s kind of a serious thing. I’d ask him why he jokes around about it to find out where his head is at. If you need any other help, check out my guides to Aries Man Secrets. I wish you all the best!

  10. hiii!
    i have a crush on Aries guy who was born on March 23rd. we haven’t spoken to each other yet but i like him a lot. he seems really reserved and acts really shy around me. i’ve seen him secretly looking at me some times but other than that he completely avoids being near me. i have a feeling he likes me but isn’t confident enough to say anything so I’m confused.

    1. Hi River,
      Aries man will get nervous around women he has a crush on. You might notice that he stammers when he speaks, blushes more than usual, doesn’t make complete sense when he speaks, or is a little sweaty when he’s around you.
      These are all signs an Aries man is nervous and, more than likely, likes you more than a friend.
      Aries men are not capable of lying or playing games, and they are unable to hold any grief, anger, or love feelings inside for too long. This is why they are easy to read and even easier to handle. You will know right from the start from his body language whether he likes you or not. Sending Love 🙂

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