Aries Man Horoscope For August 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how August is going to treat your Aries man? Check out the August monthly horoscope predictions for an Aries man...

Hello dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Aries man for August. Now for many people around the world, this is the holiday season and a time we associate with fun, being laid back, and enjoying ourselves.

But this particular August—and it’s not a big “but” because there’s plenty of positive energy—Mercury is retrograde in Virgo. That means there is a note of caution when it comes to planning and communications because, during this phase, there can be difficulties in travel, wires tend to get crossed, and there can be periods of stalemate and frustration.

Now, the other big feature of this month is Mars will be conjunct Jupiter on the 15th, which brings a vibrant, exciting energy and a particularly adventurous, playful spirit.

This is perfect for the August holidays or, even if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere and you aren’t on holiday, a great time to be motivated, proactive, and particularly to be outdoors.

So for you and your Aries man, it’s a time to think about how to boost your energy through positive activities, particularly those involving being physically active and finding adrenaline-pumping activities to do that are a little bit adventurous. 

Even though Mercury is retrograde and you have to look before you leap and do a little bit of planning, if you have the presence of mind, there’s still definitely a flavor of adventure and excitement and also romance because the month ends with Venus opposite Neptune and then Venus entering Libra, the planet of love.

So the month goes out on a particularly romantic note, which is quite something to look forward to.

Here’s what the stars have in store for an Aries Man this August…

New Moon in Leo on the 4th of August 

The New Moon in Leo is a vibrant moon, particularly so for Aries, and what it indicates is for all you dating an Aries Man or perhaps you have your eye on him and are hoping that a romance can get going, this is a positive sign.

This is the ideal phase in the year not only to get involved in a romance with an Aries man but also to reintroduce enthusiasm and spontaneity into your love life. 

It’s also awesome for new couples to be out on the social scene, meeting new people, and expanding together. Now the flavor that is so important to introduce into all romances is novelty linked to personal growth and expansion. Love and relationships flourish when you support each other’s growth as people and support each other’s individuality.

So this is not about cramping each other’s style, being judgmental or critical. It’s about helping each other to be fuller, more flavorsome human beings.

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on the 5th of August

For an Aries man, Mercury retrograde in Virgo indicates he needs to be more cautious, particularly when it comes to work projects. He needs to make sure that everything is done without cutting any corners.

So there’s a little bit of a challenge because, for an Aries man, he’s impatient, he tends to want to get things done and move quickly on to a new project, but right now, he has to go back to the drawing board, and that can make him frustrated.

You have to kind of encourage an Aries man to realize that it’s not over until it’s over, and he needs to stay in the game right until the end. So encourage a little bit of patience and perseverance to make sure he gets the max out of any potential work situation.

For you guys, it’s also a good time to think about ways to tweak your diet. Health and vitality are key themes this month, so pay attention to diet. This is not one of those Augusts where you can let yourself go and get involved in a lot of alcohol drinking just because you’re on holiday.

Discipline is so important when it comes to diet and work-life balance, and if you get that right, your relationship will be in a much better place.

Venus enters Virgo on the 6th of August

During this phase, being thoughtful and pragmatic in love is what counts. So whether you are in a recently formed relationship or have been going out for a while, be thoughtful and make sure that what you do counts.

This is definitely not a time to be frivolous and take each other for granted. It’s also not a time for any clichéd romantic gestures that are pretty thoughtless. You have to back up your growing affection for him by showing that you’re willing to take time out and go the extra mile for him, and that’s important in marriages as well.

The extent to which you both put yourselves out and go above and beyond is key to how good the relationship really is.

Mars is conjunct Jupiter on the 15th of August 

Now, this represents the beginning of a phase where it’s absolutely awesome to do brand new activities together, start a new sporting quest together, entertain, or celebrate. So you guys should be holding parties and being the talk of the town. Be outgoing as a couple, seize the moment, and make sure you’re living your best life. 

This is a big wake-up call for all of you who have felt that things have been really dull or lackluster in your relationship. Remember, Aries thrives on challenges and novelty, he likes to be competitive and enjoys being first, so make this a month of firsts.

Be first as a couple by being the best at what you do. Be competitive as a couple by aiming higher in your life or doing things for the very first time. Grab the initiative and don’t let life dictate to you; be in control.

Mercury reverses into Leo on the 16th of August

Mercury is back in Leo because it’s retrograde. What does this mean? Big emphasis on improving communication in relationships and just straightening out any misconceptions.

There are always times in relationships when events kind of run away with us, and often it’s good to go back over something that wasn’t exactly clear or resolved.

Right now, love is strongest when we pay attention to details and are thoughtful, and often it’s good to just take a step back and try to put recent events into context, especially if there were any disagreements over the last few weeks. Try to make sure that both of your stories were told and that you both felt totally happy with the outcome.

Themes for an Aries Man this August 2024

Love, romance, and enjoyment are very much the themes of this month. Yes, it’s important to be cognizant of where your life is stale or jaded, engage in activities that allow you both to feel useful and enlivened, support each other’s development as individuals, and understand the core needs of Aries Man for spontaneity, color, and vibrancy in his life.

Address issues where you are stuck in routines. However, with Mercury retrograde, good communication cannot be taken for granted, and pay attention to detail in terms of how you guys communicate and reach proper understandings.

Don’t be superficial with each other; meaningful communication is where it’s at.

Magic Motto – “Love is an adventure but it’s also a mindful adventure of emotional discovery.”

Magic Text – “I love the competitive and creative energies we foster in each other and thinking about your energy always makes me excited.”


The Moon waxes from the 4th to the 19th and during this New Moon phase, it is a great time for new projects, starting new activities making new friends, and establishing new contacts with people.

This is an initiation phase, but after the 19th is a period where he should have a little bit of an audit, pivot, and reflect on his actions in order to fine-tune his projects.

This is also a good time for debuts, it’s ideal if he puts himself out there in order to get an appreciation for his work and receive support. Creative and artistic projects are what is favored now…

Affairs to do with your children are favored, so this is an excellent time to help children succeed or you may have cause to be proud of them. Decisions to do with your children’s future are favored.

This is also a great time for real estate or property deals, moving home is favored, so is improving your home or looking for property.


This is not a great time for him to be studying, taking exams, or for new initiatives involving teaching, lecturing, or undertaking communications projects.

This is also not a great time for IT changes, recruiting staff, or work and new business involving animals. Advertising, promoting, and publishing are not favored and he should be cautious of legal issues.

August 2024 Horoscope for an Aries Man

Week 1: Splash out

Now, Venus in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus. What does this mean? It’s an excellent time to invest, particularly in things to do with your children’s education or activities.

So for couples, sometimes it’s great to get more involved with your children. It can make you feel good about yourselves and also bring you together to see their success and take pride in your kids.

It’s a great time for recently formed couples to get to know each other’s children, perhaps while doing physical activities or going to events with a big, happy group.

This is a time when you’re probably going to be spending quite a lot of money because it certainly is a time of spontaneity where you get these last-minute opportunities to do things, but it’s kind of important to seize the day and not box yourself in. So even if you’ve set a budget, I permit you to splash out just a little bit.

Week 2: Open Spectrum Communication 

This week, the sun in Leo is sextile Jupiter in Gemini, as well as Mercury is conjunct Venus in Virgo. So communication is so important, but so is diplomacy.

What’s vital right now is to open the door to better conversation, and that conversation should be about the big picture, where your relationship is going, what you both want from life and being philosophical about things that have happened recently.

It’s so important to see the wider context and to help renew purpose in your relationship through understanding that you fundamentally want the same things and have the same dreams.

So sometimes it’s good just to talk about those aspirations so that you both destroy any idea that you’re in a dead-end street. There’s plenty happening now in new relationships, however a little bit of caution: he can be slightly superficial right now, he doesn’t want conflict; he likes to talk about fun subjects.

So it’s not a good time to introduce anything particularly heavy because he will be very evasive. It’s not a good time for any ultimatums or long, deep, and meaningful conversations. You engage him by talking positively about issues in the future, not by getting bogged down in anything heavy.

Week 3: Deeper and Truer

This week, Jupiter in Gemini is square Saturn, and the Sun is square Uranus. So this brings a conflicted energy. Now, as I talked about, Mars conjunct Jupiter is great for expansive and fun activities, but the overall picture of your life with Aries Man right now can contain a lot of uncertainty.

So this really tests how well, as a couple, you can deal with situations that are in flux, and how well you can communicate over the deeper emotional issues that could arise over the next few months. 

So there’s certainly a theme of looking and planning ahead but doing so in a way that makes no assumptions. What you don’t want to do now is count your chickens before they hatch.

So it is important to have solid communication, always understanding that with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, everything needs a second look, and Jupiter square Saturn emphasizes that theme of deeper understanding and awareness of issues in your life, both in terms of money, finances, and emotions.

Week 4: Harmony and Trust 

Well, Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune just before Venus goes into Libra, indicating this is an important time to get ready for key relationship goals and teamwork. So, not only is communication important, but the quality of the time you spend together is also vital. Quality time together should include a mixture of communication, affection, and intimacy.

You have to underline your commitment to each other by being really solid on trust. What you cannot risk right now is growing apart, flirting with other people, or taking your relationship for granted.

It’s certainly a period where you have to double down on the positives of your relationship and come together as a team, working hard to explore the options and improve harmony through constructive communication.


I’m very excited about August with an Aries man because I feel that everything’s in your power. It’s such a hands-on month, whether you’re doing fun things together, planning parties, and doing activities with your children, or whether you’re working on long-range goals, planning and deepening communication about important matters, it’s all totally doable, and everything will improve romance and communication.

So I want to see you all working really hard at understanding why your relationship is special, showing each other commitment to goals, being proactive about better understanding, problem-solving, and doing practical things in a fun and serious way to improve your relationship.

Make your Aries man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Aries man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

Imagine holding the secret to making your Aries man utterly OBSESSED with you.

I’m talking head over heels, here.

The best part?

You don’t have to change who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeply guarded desiresneeds and fantasies

That simmer within your Aries man.

And I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

And no, you won’t need a wand for this magic.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Aries man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Aries man.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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