Aries Man Horoscope for October 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how October is going to treat your Aries man? Check out the October monthly horoscope predictions for an Aries man...

Hi sweethearts, welcome to the horoscope reading for your Aries man for October.  The year is racing to a climax, and you’ll be pleased to know that the transits for this particular week offer the scope for some intensity, passion, emotional connectivity, and there’s also a bit of good luck and spontaneity.

In fact, it is a rather stimulating month on a number of levels, and that’s always good for relationships because it means there’s a variety of energies that you can tap into in order to remold the relationship. 

What’s important as well, is understanding the power basis of the relationship, tapping into the subtext, the context, the hidden motives and agendas that you and your partner have, and working with those in order to get a better result.

So often, I feel people fail in relationships because they keep on a surface, verbal level without understanding what’s really behind the facade, what’s behind the words, and what lies beneath.

I feel this is a great time to uncover what lies beneath and then shift your overall perspective of the relationship to achieve relationship goals.

Here’s what the stars have in store for an Aries Man this October…

New Moon in Libra Conjunct Mercury – 2nd October

Mercury in Libra, which represents his solar seventh house of committed relationships and also marriages, represents an excellent time for relationship negotiation, discussion, appraisal, and also a little bit of a reboot.

Because it’s Mercury, it adds power to communication, so you’re not just having an ordinary New Moon where the relationship has some potential for refreshment, change, and turning over a new leaf, you also should be able to come together, find points of agreement, and effectively brainstorm solutions and ideas to take your relationship to the next level.

Now, the New Moon signifies that you should be enthusiastic, that you should increase emotional awareness between the two of you, but you should also be ambitious for your relationship.

That means you’re not just going to take second best and allow it to stagnate; you are going to inject the relationship with belief and understand the power of cooperation and good communication in getting you over the line in terms of that next wonderful, fulfilling phase in your relationship.

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini – 9th of October

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini again captures this idea that I’ve been talking about this month of deepening communication, better understanding, and broader awareness.

Therefore, what’s key right now, again, is having conversations about multiple different aspects of your relationship and always approaching these with a sense of humor and a desire to know more about each other.

Relationships are an adventure; they shouldn’t be just a safe space. Yes, we all want to look to relationships to make us feel secure, happy, and fulfilled, but we should also look for relationships that stimulate our personal growth.

To the extent that you and your Aries man are helping each other to expand and achieve goals, the better the relationship is going to be. So, make sure right now that your relationship is an avenue that creates adventure, creates inspiration, and not something that ties you both into a rut or into the past.

Mercury Enters Scorpio – 14th of October

As Mercury leaves Libra, it will be squaring Pluto in Capricorn, and then it enters Scorpio, which represents a rather intriguing time in relationships with an Aries man.

Now, this is an important phase for you using intuition for you understanding the relationship at a deeper level, and that’s going past appearances, understanding what he is truly wanting and needing, and perhaps daring to dig deeper and go closer to the bone.

So, this is a time for conversations that can risk being a little bit intense, and that means you’re going to be breaking down those relationship taboos. Don’t be afraid to scratch the surface.

If you’re in a brand-new relationship, you may find this is the time where you have to ask searching questions, understand what he really wants, needs, and what he’s looking for, and be unafraid to delve.

An Aries man is generally quite open and straightforward in love, but he is sometimes a little bit evasive, and that’s why you need to press him to make sure you’ve really got that grip on where he’s at.

Venus enters Sagittarius – 18th of October

Now, this is a phase where being open-minded and seeing the big picture is very important in love. It’s essential right now to create exciting goals that you can connect with as a couple and to be aspirational.

The biggest problem with this particular aspect with an Aries man is thinking small and allowing yourself to get bogged down. So, it’s so important right now to understand the detail, to have the difficult conversations, but then being able to move beyond that to the extent that you can both move to that next level by having a little bit of faith and trust in each other. This will prove the extent of how good the relationship is.

If you’ve been dating and the relationship has been a bit fragile, this can be a time when there are trust issues, and that’s why it’s important to have a slightly patient but optimistic approach as you work through this phase.

Sun enters Scorpio – 23rd of October

This is definitely a time when relationships need to have depth. Relationships that are superficial, or relationships that have become a little bit brittle, will struggle to cope with this period.

So, the challenge is being there for each other and maintaining momentum in the relationship, but with the awareness that, at this stage, there can be trust issues.

This is a phase when he can sometimes be a little bit possessive and controlling because there are underlying sensitivities and insecurities that he’s grappling with. At the same time, relationships can’t stand still, so it’s a matter of balancing giving each other space and not trying to crowd each other or fulfill each other’s every need, but still having enough quality time together that trust is never an issue. So, it’s the balance of trust and space.

Themes for an Aries Man this October 2024…

Well, one of the big things right now in relationships is renewal—not relying on the relationship to stand still. It’s about better understanding through working at both intuitive and perceptive communication.

In the best relationships, you understand each other at a deep level and are automatically able to give each other what you need without being controlling or possessive. It’s also important for the relationship to feel future-oriented so that neither of you feel that this is something that is stagnating.

Magic Motto: “Ignite the passion, embrace the depth, and grow together through every conversation.”

Magic Text: “Together, we’ll navigate through passion, intensity, and renewal, always striving for the next level in our relationship. With trust, openness, and a shared vision, we shall ignite the spark that keeps our bond thriving, embracing every challenge as a stepping stone to a more fulfilling future.”


The moon waxes between the 2nd and the 17th of the month indicating that this is the most opportune time for anything that’s totally new, that’s competitive or that involves a fresh start or new page. After the 17th is better for consolidation and assessment.

This is definitely a good time for him to take a bit of a step back, go on a retreat and alternative health practice can actually be very helpful this period.


The waxing phrase is not ideal for buying property, home moves, renovations or holding big family events. It’s also not great for having family to stay.

This may not be a good time for business involving information technology and it’s also not a good time for him to enter any skills training, learning and information gathering can be more problematic. This is also not a good time for blogging and writing goals

He should be careful with his health, he’s more vulnerable to colds and flus and should top up all his essential vitamins and nutrients to boost his immune system.

October 2024 Horoscope for an Aries Man

Week 1: Magical Nights

This, of course, is the week of the New Moon conjunct Mercury, so you should make time for those table talks, having chats around the kitchen table, and not only that, sticking to mutual agreements and showing commitment to the relationship by being good listeners and being receptive to each other’s ideas and proposals.

However, it’s also a time when Venus in Scorpio is trine Mars in Cancer and trine Saturn in Pisces, meaning we have a grand water trine, which is particularly lucky for an Aries man in particular, this means he is feeling particularly intuitive, so his spidey senses are supercharged.

It’s very important for you to encourage him to use his intuition, and if he has any gut feelings, don’t dismiss them—take note. It’s also a time when he’s sensitive and romantic, so this is a great week for a romantic getaway or for some time spent listening to music, holding hands, and doing things a little bit nostalgic and sentimental.

Week 2: Green light fun factor 

Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini indicates an excellent time for a holistic approach to the relationship—good communication, doing fun things together, and hanging out with mutual friends and colleagues.

This is a very lucky time in relationships; it’s a positive time to be making plans to do things that will excite you both, and it’s also a good time to visit with mutual friends and family.

Mars sextile Uranus means he’s in quite an energetic frame of mind, so the key to relationships right now is that it’s a doing phase; it’s a can-do, go-getting phase. What you don’t want to do is let life pass you by.

Set your expectations high for affection, communication, and planning, and you can both feel really good about love in your relationship.

Week 3: Sexual agenda 

Now, this is a more complicated week for relationships because Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, which means there can be disagreements on issues that fundamentally are about principles and priorities.

Those of you who are generally aligned and have the same kind of values will tend to find this a lot easier, whereas couples who are kinda very different or from different backgrounds may need to do a lot more horse-trading in order to get that compromise going.

Another key issue right now is trust and issues around loyalty, so it’s very important for you to show that he means a great deal to you, that you appreciate him, and that you find him sexy and attractive.

So right now, stimulate your sex life by giving him compliments, buying him sexy gifts, and thinking more about foreplay and the importance of the sexual side of your life, don’t let it slip by thoughtlessly.

Week 4: Stimulation and Escapism 

An Aries man is experiencing conflicting priorities. Mars is sextile Uranus, and also trine Neptune, and yet Venus is square Saturn. So, while he needs a certain amount of freedom and a sense of momentum and expansion in relationships, at some times, he can be strangely aloof and a little bit hard to figure out.

It’s very important to go with the flow, take things as they come, and to inject a little bit of romance, but also a lot of outdoorsy, outgoing, expansive activity as well. So, this is not as much about tender romance, but it should kind of be escapism from your normal routines in order to stimulate excitement in your life.


This is a particularly important month for an Aries man, and one of the main themes is relationship communication and understanding, particularly multi-dimensional communication.

It’s not just about focusing on the day-to-day; it’s about discussing things to do with your future, planning your sex life, debating your underlying emotions, and overall, there should be a desire to get to know each other better. 

Whether it’s a new or existing relationship, there should always be a genuine desire to understand your partner’s prevalent moods, emotions, and what they’re looking for from life, and any areas where they might feel a little bit frustrated. So, renewal and rebooting in your relationship is key right now.

Make your Aries man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Aries man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

Imagine holding the secret to making your Aries man utterly OBSESSED with you.

I’m talking head over heels, here.

The best part?

You don’t have to change who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeply guarded desiresneeds and fantasies

That simmer within your Aries man.

And I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

And no, you won’t need a wand for this magic.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Aries man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Aries man.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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