Do Aries Men Cheat? (5 Signs An Aries Man Is Cheating On You)

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you involved with an Aries man and are wondering if there is something you should worry about? Are Aries men faithful or do they cheat?

Wow, I have recently been getting so many emails from you all asking me, “Do Aries men cheat?” Something must be going on in the cosmos pushing me to discuss these rambunctious guys…

Aries men are known for their brave, yet bold souls! They can be pretty reckless and sometimes act without thinking. This impulsiveness definitely tends to get them into trouble at times!

An Aries man cheating is definitely a possibility, especially if he is bored because they tend to look for stimulation when they can’t get it! However, by nature, Aries men are quite loyal and committed! But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some bad eggs among them!

Do you suspect there is an Aries man cheating in your life? Well, then come and explore the possibility with me and discover my top five signs an Aries man is cheating on you.

Do Aries Men Cheat?

Aries men are definitely not known for cheating. It isn’t their trademark, say, like a Sagittarius or a Pisces man. The only thing is that Aries men do get very bored quickly, and this is when they start to get a wandering eye.

They may seek excitement and adventure outside the relationship, which can potentially lead to cheating. They live for the thrill of the chase and sometimes their impulses take over without thinking.

This is usually because the Aries man lacks maturity and doesn’t understand the value of commitment. However, cheating by an Aries man is rather rare and not characteristic of the majority of them.

They tend to be very loyal, respectful, and steadfast once they have decided to commit to a woman. So, while cheating is not typical for Aries men, there may be instances where they give in to their impulsive nature and seek excitement outside the relationship.

Are Aries Men Cheaters?

Aries men are not typically cheaters. Although they are impulsive and reckless, they tend to be loyal and committed once they are in a relationship. However, when they aren’t in a long-term serious relationship they often date around and take their time settling down.

So, Why Would An Aries Man Cheat On His Wife?

One of the biggest problems an Aries man has in his life is that he has a tendency to get quite bored and restless, especially in his committed relationships. He hates routine and knowing what to expect in his life.

Once an Aries man has been married for a while, he might start feeling the monotony of his life and want to start seeking new experiences. He has an impulsive drive to find excitement and stimulation.

This is usually when he decides to step out of the relationship because he is feeling bored or unfulfilled. He is the type of guy who needs a lot of goals to feel stimulated in his life.

So if he isn’t fulfilled in any other aspect of his life he might also seek thrills outside of the marriage. If you are married to an Aries man then it would be good to keep him busy and encourage his goals and dreams to prevent any sort of infidelity.

Read alsoMixed Signals From An Aries Man: Why Is He Confusing Me?

5 Clear Signs An Aries Man Is Cheating On You

It isn’t always easy to spot when an Aries man is cheating, but here are some of the most obvious 5 signs:

An Aries Man’s Behaviour Might Change When Cheating

As with anyone, the Aries man’s behavior will likely change if he’s messing around. He’ll work later, he’ll call you less, he’ll text you less, he’ll seem distant and not as attentive as he once was.

His romance or passion with you may decline yet he seems to be happy when he’s not with you. You may find him looking at his phone a lot more like he’s waiting for a phone call or text constantly.

Anything that seems out of the norm from what you’re used to seeing him do may indicate something is going on that he’s trying to conceal from you. He may actually never leave his phone laying around either.

He won’t want to take the risk of you seeing a text coming through or a phone call while he’s in the restroom. Also, there is that paranoia that you will look through his phone when he’s not looking.

Any man that has nothing to hide will leave his phone right in front of you and not worry about whether or not you’re looking at what he’s doing. So there is a bit of a difference that you can keep your eye on.

He Might Become Moody

If an Aries man is seeing someone else, he may become colder to you and possibly mean. He on some level is pushing you away so that he doesn’t have to deal with the guilt he may feel.

However; he could go the opposite direction as well. This would mean he would try “too hard” to make sure you’re taken care of. It really depends on whether he’s trying to hold onto you or not.

If he isn’t; he’ll be cold, he’ll be rude, and he’ll treat you like dirt. If he wants to keep you though; he’ll be a super suck up; he’ll buy you flowers out of nowhere and do anything to make up for the guilt he feels.

Again, look for an extreme difference is how he treats you, how he talks to you, and how he interacts with others. If you happen to catch him on the phone and he’s all smiles after he’s been sour toward you; he’s probably talking to another woman.

When it’s not another woman; it may be one of his friends and he’s talking about the new woman he’s seeing. They talk in their own secret code so it may not seem obvious to you but he’ll be laughing and smiling a lot.

You may also want to read: What To Do When An Aries Man Pulls Away

He Might Start Talking About Another Woman

Sometimes these men are so dense that they start talking about a new female friend that they’ve never talked about before. Every time you turn around; he’s talking about her.

He’ll talk as though she’s his new best friend. This will make you want to ask him how long he’s been friends with her and why he never mentioned her before. You’ll basically get to know who his friends are.

You’ll know that this woman isn’t one of his “regulars”. That being the case; listening to him brag daily about this woman means he’s either crushing on her secretly, he’s in love with her, or he’s sleeping with her.

For a man to brag about another woman around you is bad enough honestly but when he starts talking about how great she is, how much they have in common, etc is a way that he’s sort of letting you know he’s into that woman.

Of course when or if you ask about her; he’s going to say they’re just good friends. Unless he feels things are absolutely done with you. If that’s the case; he’ll go ahead and just tell you, flat out, that he’s into her.

RelatedWill An Aries Man Leave His Wife? (8 Signs)

An Aries Man Showers Immediately

If your Aries guy lives with you and he hits up the shower as soon as he walks in the door when he used to not do that; he’s cheating. He’s trying to quickly remove another woman’s scent.

Try cutting him off at the pass, hug him close, and see if you don’t smell another woman’s perfume or some other odor that doesn’t belong to him. You’ll know for sure.

This may still be the same case if he uses it as an excuse to get off the phone with you if you normally talk on the phone after he gets off work. Either it’s an excuse or he really is going to take a shower.

Again, if it’s out of character for him to do this upon walking in from work; then something else is going on. Naturally, it’s best for you to always follow your inner voice as it always knows best.

He Becomes Secretive With Technology

As a rule, Aries men tend to be open books and it is quite easy to start to trust them because they usually don’t have anything to hide. One of the best qualities of an Aries man is that he is so honest and straightforward.

That is why I would start to become quite suspicious when your Aries man starts to become more secretive and shady, especially with his technology. If he is hiding his activities on his phone or online then I would be worried.

It is very possible that he is hiding a secret relationship or affair from you. There is a chance that he is talking to some other woman. Being shifty is not usually in his nature.

Read alsoWhen An Aries Man Stops Talking To You — Here’s What To Do

What To Do When An Aries Man Cheats On You

When you find out an Aries man cheats on you, it can be absolutely devastating. This is why I would advise you to step back for a bit and really evaluate your emotions.

Betrayal can be intense and a lot can come up once you experience this. It is important that you take a step back to understand exactly what you are going through and how it is affecting you.

Once you have assessed how you are feeling it would be a good idea for you to have a direct and honest conversation with him, express how his actions have affected you, and ask for an explanation.

Ask him to be clear about his reasons and why this happened. This should help you to understand the situation better and decide what to do next. I think you’ll need some time to figure out what you want to do after this.

But once you have done this, be very clear about what you are willing to tolerate. You need to set some clear boundaries and make him understand that cheating is not acceptable in the relationship.

Read nextHow To Get An Aries Man Back? (9 Foolproof Ways)

No More Sleepless Nights About Your Aries Man…

It can be SO painful to worry about how to make things work with an Aries man who won’t commit.

I know. I’ve been there with many of my clients dating Aries guys.

I remember a very close client, Sabrina, crying herself to sleep at night, worried that her Aries man would never commit to her…

She lost sleep, time, and even work hours, all because she couldn’t figure out how to capture his heart.

It was really hard to listen to and watch her go through all that.

But I knew how good he was for her, and I didn’t want her to give up on him.

Even when her friends were telling her to move on, I could see that he was the most incredible man she had ever met.

How could she just give up on that?

But it wasn’t easy.

It took a LOT of work.

She had to learn how to speak a different language… her Aries man’s love language!

And it worked!!!

So if you are ready to sleep like a baby…

Knowing your Aries man is MADLY in love with you…

And never feel anxious about him again…

Click here and learn to speak your Aries man’s love language.

Sending you love and light,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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