Aries Man Love Language: How An Aries Man Shows Love?

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Learning your Aries man love language shows how patient you are with him. It shows you regard him and it’s one of the best ways to express love.

An Aries man has one of the most specific love language of all Zodiac signs. They are full of passion and excitement, especially when it comes to love. When an Aries man likes you, he will go for it without thinking twice. 

An Aries man leaps before he looks in his relationships. He is very instinctual and just goes for what he is feeling at that particular moment. He doesn’t rationalize his emotions, he just feels into them. 

This can be a very exciting and passionate experience for any woman to go through. An Aries man certainly knows how to pump up the volume when it comes to love. There is no one else who does it quite as passionately as an Aries. 

Is this something you’re intrigued about? Would you like to know more about how an Aries man shows love? Well, I have the answers for you! Keep on reading to find out everything about the specific Aries man love language…

But First Things First, Are Aries Men Affectionate?

Aries men are quite physical people, which means these guys are very affectionate. They love showing their love by being physical. This is the type of guy who will hold your hand, kiss your forehead, and give you a playful smack on the bum. 

An Aries man loves to touch and be touched when he has feelings for a woman. It is his favorite part of being in a relationship. Knowing that he can be close to someone and physically intimate. 

Aries men are very physical. They like for their partner to be as equally physical. Not just in activities but with each other. He will make sure you’ve got plenty of kisses, love, and snuggles.

He will not leave you hanging unless he’s decided you’re not the one. Otherwise, he will have a hard time keeping his hands off you. You’re him after all and he will cherish this as long as he’s in love.

In fact, one of the ways you can tell that your Aries man is no longer interested in you is if he ever pulls back on the affection. Otherwise, you can expect to be totally bombarded by his hands all over you all the time.

How Does An Aries Man Show Love? 5 Unnoticed Ways

1. An Aries Man Becomes Protective Of You

An Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and this heavy-hitting planet is associated with conflict and war. As a result, he’s got no issue stepping up to protect what he loves. 

When an Aries man is falling in love with you, he is going to be very defensive, and will become enraged by your sadness… not at you, but to whoever did this to you!

He is always ready to throw down, but it helps if he has a reason for it. Aries justified in his anger is a force to be reckoned with, so don’t take advantage.

One thing is for sure, when your beau is tough-guy Aries then you have nothing to fear because he will fight through hell and high water to ensure that you’re protected from all who would dare harm you!

While protective can sometimes lead to possessiveness or jealousy; an Aries man will feel incredibly responsible for your safety. He feels it’s his duty in life as the alpha male to make sure you’re absolutely out of harm’s way.

2. He Becomes Playful With You

Each Zodiac sign represents a certain age depending on their order, and Aries being the first sign means that they are the small children of the Zodiac. As a result, he likes to goof off and have a good time!

He doesn’t want to play alone though. He’ll make sure to mess around with you and act like a fool in the cutest way possible. 

Think about how little kids do things just to make their parents giggle at them. That’s an Aries man! He is dedicated to getting you to play around with him because it’s part of how he bonds.

3. An Aries Man Pushes Your Boundaries

Almost as an extension of my previous point, an Aries man may take his play to the level of trying to get your goat a little bit. He thinks intentionally bugging you is a blast and he can’t think of a better way to spend his time. 

This is because even if he isn’t legitimately angry, an Aries man always appreciates a little healthy contention. He likes to play fight and he loves to see you get just a little bit testy with him!

He’s a fire Zodiac sign who is constantly seeking stimulation. He likes a little healthy competition and if firing you up is the easiest way to get you reacting to his jabs, he won’t hesitate!

4. He Is Straightforward About His Feelings

Aries men are admirably straightforward with their thoughts. They typically have no issue telling you what they are feeling and thinking about you. 

This is why an Aries in love is going to tell you all the time just how much he loves you! He isn’t embarrassed, his only obligation is to be true to himself after all. And if his truth is that he loves you then so be it. 

See, even the manly man of the Zodiac is down to get gushy… as long as that’s genuinely how he feels about you then it’s fair game.

You may also want to readIs Your Aries Man Hiding His Feelings — Here’s Why And What You Can Do

5. He Wants To Take The Next Step

Aries men are not ones to take their sweet time doing anything at all. In fact, they’re the type to act first and think later. 

If an Aries man is really into you and he knows it, then he wants to get this show on the road! He’ll be talking about a future with you and asking when you two can move in together and live happily ever after. 

He isn’t one that appreciates uncertainty and waiting around will have him pulling his hair out! That’s why you may find him pressuring you to agree to lock the relationship down and get serious.

Read alsoMixed Signals From An Aries Man: Why Is He Confusing Me?

Does An Aries Man Like Public Displays Of Affection?

Typically the initiation will be with the Aries man. He’ll instigate; unless of course, his lady love wants to surprise him. It’s not a bad idea to keep an Aries man on his toes by planting a big ole smooch on him out of nowhere.

It will also turn him on if you grope him out in public when he’s not suspecting you to do it. The spontaneity makes him see you as more mysterious and thus will keep the chase alive in his mind.

An Aries man wants to chase you. Even after he’s obtained you; he wants to keep the chase going because it’s what feeds his energetic needs. He’s a person that likes to be very active and sex is one of his favorite activities.

You can expect that after you two have made a public spectacle he will absolutely want to dominate you in the bedroom once you manage to make it home. He may not be able to wait though.

He could get excited enough that he’ll want to take you somewhere nearby where you’re still somewhat public but maybe not actually seen. The whole thing will make him explode in ecstasy.

My Final Thoughts On Aries Man Love Language…

An Aries man in love is something you definitely need to experience once in your life. He is so affectionate and will make you feel like the most special girl on earth. 

He has a way of zoning in on you and making you feel like only the two of you exist. He has quite a full-on way of expressing his love. He will give you so much of his time and his energy. This just happens to be an Aries man love language. 

An Aries man really needs words of affirmation to feel loved and appreciated by their lover. He wants to hear that they are these amazing men. That they are perfect. 

An Aries man needs to know that their partner could never live without them and that they are the greatest person on earth. With any Aries, they feel like they can be their most authentic self when someone just accepts them for who they are at their core. 

All an Aries man truly wants is acceptance because they realize that their personalities are quite out there and not everyone can always handle it.

If You Listen To Dating Coaches, You Can Lose Your Aries Man Forever…

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of my clients send me advice they got from dating coaches.

They wanted to know if it would work with their Aries man.

And I literally wanted to scream with frustration.


Because most dating advice definitely will NOT work if you use it with Aries.

You see, Aries men are VERY different from men of other signs.

And if you use standard dating advice with Aries, it can backfire.

He might disappear forever and you’ll never hear from him again.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

Especially when it is SO easy to draw him to you and get him to connect deeply with your heart.

You just need to know the specific phrases to tell him…

So he’ll NEVER want to lose you.

He’ll be wrapped around your finger

And it won’t take him long to put a ring on that finger either.

These phrases are the EXACT thing you need to turn everything around with him.

So… for heaven’s sake… DON’T listen to normal dating coaches!

They give out the same advice for ALL men… which is absolutely insane.

Because your wonderful Aries is NOT like other men… at ALL.

So go here now to find out the specific things your Aries man needs to hear to melt his heart.

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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